3 critical steps to take after a job interview

This is the final part of our job interview tips this week. I recently spoke with Michele Dye, founder of Dyenamic Career Goals, to find out what you need to do after the interview is over.

1.   Thank them via email

Within 24 hours after your interview send a personalized thank you note via email to every person who interviewed you as a way to thank them for their time.

You should use this as an opportunity to sell yourself by discussing why you want the role and why you are the perfect fit. You can also attach your resume and any additional work samples that may help your interviewer make a decision about you.

2.   Send a handwritten thank you note

Considering the variety of generations in the workplace, mailing a handwritten thank you note to everyone who interviewed you will likely resonate with those making hiring decisions, especially if they are a part of those older generations.

Handwritten notes show good manners and respect, giving you an edge amongst other candidates.

3.   Follow up

If during your interview you were made aware of when you would hear back from the company, it is essential that you check in on the progress of their decision. This shows your excitement about the opportunity and that you care about being considered for the job.

Paula Colon

Paula Colon is the content marketing intern for Dyenamic Media LLC. She is a sophomore at the University of South Florida and is majoring in mass communications.


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